Girls Leadership Academy

It's time for girls to take the lead!

The support system to encourage girls and young women to recognize their potentials, empower their collective actions and their leadership ambitions in driving social change.


People around the globe demand a just world that is equal for everyone including for girls and young women; that accounted more than half of the population in Indonesia. Women and girls are the powerful drivers of growth that is largely untapped. They are still facing challenges to participate fully in the society enjoying their rights and take the lead of themselves. As an organization that strive for a just world for girls, Plan Indonesia committed to promote equality for girls by putting them as the center of development.

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Our daily posted blog content

Perempuan dan Perdamaian Dunia

Bagaimanpun kelangsungan perdamaian dan keamanan dunai adalah tugas semua orang terlepas dari gender.

Perempuan Dengan Gaya Hidup Minimalis

Dengan gaya hidup minimalis akan punya kebebasan dan terlepas dari rasa ingin bersaing dengan orang lain.

Menelisik Ungkapan Ladies First

Kepercayaan untuk mengandalkan potensi perempuan sebagaimana apa yang dialami para pria merupakan wujud nyata ladies first.

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